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Travel Agent's Story | Dubai flood, flight cancellation and how we helped our client.

A few days ago Dubai had a one of the biggest rainfall and it flooded the city, including the airport which affected with so many flights cancellation.

Here are the quick summary of the Dubai flood drama: đŸ€Ż Client meant to leave on 18 April from Sydney -Dubai - Amsterdam with Emirates. Flight changed in time twice and rescheduled to next day.

đŸ€Ż Connecting flight from Dubai - Amsterdam was overbooked. Client could still get to Dubai but will have to get help with the ground staffs.

đŸ€Ż We found a better connecting flight from Sydney to Amsterdam a few days later without client having to pay or deal with Emirates herself as we sorted everything for her.

Read on if you want to know the entire drama 👀

We had a client who were meant to fly out from Sydney - Dubai - Amsterdam to visit her son on 18 April with Emirates. Her flight was meant to depart at 20:15 and at 5am on the same day, we received an email from Emirates that her flight had been postponed to 22:00.

We knew that there would be a chance that the flight may not go at all so Almarie checked in our system and Emirates' online to see if the flights are still confirmed whilst I rang Emirates to double check but their phone line was busy so took me about half an hour to get through. Emirates confirmed that the flight was still going to depart at 22:00 and our client will still make her connecting flight to Amsterdam. We got in contact with our client about the situation and reassured her that we are here to help so no need to worry about anything.

Since the client still has her flight confirmed at 22:00, Emirates advised for her to get to the airport early anyway to make sure she could get on the flight. Sadly when she turned up to the airport, the check in staffs advised that the flight won't be departing and told everyone to contact reservation for help. When I heard that I told our client to go back and let them know they need to reaccommodate her. Turned out that she had been rebooked to next day flight at 13:00.

Client was super chilled as she knew the flood situation so no point of stressing over it. I told her that I will find out what can be done so I called Emirates back again which got through after 30 minutes. Dubai The agent advised that flight would depart tomorrow at 13:00, get into Dubai at 21:10 however flights from Dubai to Amsterdam were all fully booked so I asked him what would we need to do which he gave me 3 options: Option 1 - Get on the flight and speak to the ground staffs in Dubai. No guarantee of getting on the flight nor getting any accommodation.

Option 2 - Fly out on 23 April as there was 1 seat left in economy with free date change.

Option 3 - Get full refund but this would take 3-6 months and a brand new ticket was nearly $4000! I spoke to the client and went through the options with her. We both agreed option 2 was the best as there is no point go with option 1 and hope to get on the flight or option 3 having to fork out another $4000. The ticket was reissued by 7pm and now she has a new confirmed flight to see her son in Europe!

All these drama, stress and headache were dealt with on her behalf without her doing anything.

Imagined you booked your flight online and this happened to you, would you know what would be the best solutions or what your options are?

When you pay our service fee of $125/person to help you organise your trip, you will also receive our AFTER CARE services to fix dramas like this. We don't just deal with flight delay or cancellation, we help you accommodations, tours, cruises so whatever you book with us, we help you fix!

Oh and you don't get just one but 5 of us! Sekha, Jam, Almarie, Solomon+ Pixie 💖



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