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Travel Agent's Story |My 6 weeks holiday part 1: Singapore

Since covid hit the world back in 2020, the whole world turned upside down. Fast forward to 2022, most countries are now open and I have to say, I'm so bloody happy we can now travel without all the BS.

My 6 weeks holiday was meant to be 3-4 weeks as Scott and I were invited to a wedding in France but then our other friend in Thailand invited us to be there as well so our trip got extended to 6 weeks. Most people would be so happy about this but for me I was a bit nervous cus I didn't want to be away from my fur baby pixie for too long and I just hired a mini me to help me with my travel business so training/working whilst on the trip will be a b*tch and a half. I mean who likes working on their holiday right?

I'm going to break down my 6 weeks journey into bite size so it's not too overwhelming.

The night before our flight we had to drop pixie off at my father in law. When we had to leave her it really broke my heart cus her face was like "Daddies, where are you going? Pixie wants to come as well".

I cried so much in the car and while I was packing at home I was crying for a good hour.

Our flight next morning was at 8am and I wanted to get to the airport by 5am cus I didn't want to face any delay. When I get to travel, one of my favorite feelings is the fact when you know that you will be flying business/first class cus you know you will have a dedicated check in counter, lounge access and super comfy seat/bed on the aircraft. If you ever get a chance to fly business/first, I highly recommend you to do it cus it's bloody amazing!

Since we flew with Singapore airline we could either use Singapore airline's or Air New Zealand's lounge. We had a small breakfast and champagne at Singapore airline's lounge first then thought, I should check out Air New Zealand's as well. I'm going to be honest, Air New Zealand's one is wayyyyyyy better. 5 times bigger with a bar, more variety of food and less crowded. I also asked the bartender if she could make me my fav cocktail Long island ice tea and she did! Made me soooooo happy!!!!

Boarding our flight was a breeze and the reason why we booked the morning flight cus of the aircraft seat. Different aircrafts have different seat and we wanted to experience them. The 77W aircraft was probably one of my fav aircraft. The seats were massive, service was great and the free wifi was fast enough for whatsapp, facebook and some light admin work. I was literally working 80% of the flight training Jam aka my mini me via whatsapp. I didn't mind working on the flight cus I just couldn't believe the fact that my travel business was doing so well to the point I could afford this for Scott and I. I'm in no way trying to brag this but I came from a family where money was tight so I'm simply just proud of how far I have come. I cried about 4 times during the flight hahaha.

When we arrived in Singapore, the immigration line was about 20 minutes then we caught the taxi to our hotel, The Clan. Scott chose this place cus he watched a YouTube clip about this hotel and decided to stay here based on its location near food hawkers. We got the standard room and only here for 2 nights. I'd highly recommend you to upgrade to the next category room as the size is bigger. There is also a roof top pool and gym as well.

For dinner we ate at Lau Pa Sat food hawkers then just walked back to our hotel. Scotty wanted to try a few things but I normally can't eat that much so he was a bit disappointed cus he just wanted to eat everything!

The next day we went to another food hawkers and found this place where the locals were waiting in line so we decided to wait as well. Took us 25 minutes to get our food but it was delish. Fish noodle soup! Then we headed to Universal Studios for the day which we also got the Express pass ( highly recommended so you won't have to wait in line). For dinner Scotty wanted to have this famous Singaporean crab that was featured on YouTube but it was booked out. He was hangry ( Hungry + Angry) so we had a small fight. Took us about 45 mins to find another place which was only 15 mins walking distance from our hotel. I read the reviews and a lot of Thais have recommended this place so I felt like it must be good if Thais come here. It turned out freaking amazing! Mark this place " Chinatown Seafood Restaurant" and get seating near the street so you can people watch.

Our last day we went to try this famous Michelin Hainan chicken rice but I felt like it was so so. I mean don't get me wrong but I feel like everyone has different taste. What I like you may not like but I found that after going to some places where YouTuber or Michelin recommended, the food wasn't that amazing.

After lunch we went back to our hotel to get ready for our flight to Bangkok. We checked out the Jewel at Singapore airport and man, they really made it as a destination so if you have to transit through Singapore, make sure to have at least 3 hr in between.

The business class lounge in Singapore airport was much better than Sydney but we were so full that we couldn't eat anymore.

Seat on this aircraft was much smaller than our 1st one but was still good. I had another Michelin hainan chicken rice on the flight and it wasn't still that great. The best one in my life that I ever had was literally 1 mins walk from my house in Bangkok.

I got back to Mom's house late evening we we just hung out for a bit and Scotty showed her a few restaurants we could try the next day.

Stay tune for part 2


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